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A former roommate from long ago and brother in Christ recently sent me a shirt that says, “God Wins: I’ve Read the Final Chapter.” In a world often characterized by uncertainty and chaos, the desire for hope and reassurance is universal. The theme of triumph over adversity has captivated human imagination throughout history. As we navigate the trials and tribulations of life, a profound belief emerges: God wins! It is a conviction based on faith, offering sustaining peace. But thanks be to God, he gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We gain the assurance that the final chapter of our existence will ultimately result in victory.

In times of darkness and despair, faith becomes a guiding light. It provides a refuge from the storms that rage around us. It’s a belief God helps us make sense of the trials we face, giving purpose to our struggles and suffering. When we are burdened with grief, loss, or pain, we find encouragement in the knowledge that there is a plan beyond our comprehension. God’s wisdom and omnipotence assure us that even in our most challenging moments, there is an objective, and ultimately, a triumph awaiting us.

It is a love that surpasses human understanding, embracing the brokenness and flaws of humanity. God’s love, abundant and unwavering, provides the foundation of home in the face of adversity. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NIV). Through this love, we find strength to persevere, to rise above our limitations, and to overcome the obstacles that life presents. God’s love ensures that no matter how bleak the circumstances, a victory is assured.

The belief in God’s ultimate triumph instills in us a spirit of resilience. It empowers us to confront challenges head-on, knowing that we are not defined by our circumstances but by our response to them. Faith grants us the courage to face adversity with unwavering determination, for we understand that even in the face of defeat, God’s victory is inevitable. Through faith, we develop the strength to persevere, to learn from our failures, and to emerge stronger and wiser.

The certainty that God wins allows us to embrace the final chapter of our existence with hope and anticipation. It removes the fear of death, transforming it into a gateway of eternal life. With faith as our guide, we approach the unknown with confidence, knowing that the conclusion of our earthly journey is not the end but a new beginning. In the final chapter, we find the fulfillment of divine promises, a glorious culmination of our devotion, and the ultimate victory of good over evil.

In the tapestry of human existence, the belief that God wins weaves a thread of hope and purpose. By embracing this truth, we can face life’s trials with unwavering faith, knowing that the final chapter will bring victory, love, and eternal fulfillment. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelations 21:4 NIV). God Wins!

Rob Wood, Deacon

Grow in Love. Grow in Christlikeness.
Grow in Community. Grow in Service.


Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
-Matthew 6:21



319 E Mulberry Ave
San Antonio, Texas 78212




3233 N St Mary’s St
San Antonio, TX 78212

