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Zoom available for Sunday’s Town Hall & Business Meeting at 5:00 pm. Check here Sunday for the link.

The wilderness can come in the form of different situations: a loss of job, an unexpected diagnosis, or times of great transition. This past year has been a wilderness season for me. I experienced the highs and lows of life, from the birth of my daughter to the death of both of my in-laws.

Processing these rollercoasters of emotions have led me to ask God, “What is your purpose in this season?” A verse that has been a constant companion with me on this journey is Exodus 14:14 NIV, which states, “The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.” I have pondered and reflected upon this verse in my moments of being a new mom experiencing levels of sleep deprivation I didn’t think possible. This verse was on my heart as I held my husband’s hand during his season of immense grief. It has been a great comfort to know that the Lord is present and near and fights for me.

The command is to only be still. Stillness is an uncomfortable place for me to linger. It is much easier in the wilderness journey to surround myself with noise that distracts instead of silence that confronts. However, in this silence, the peace of Christ has renewed and shaped my heart. God has met me in my joy and he has met me in my sorrow. My encouragement to you is to create a place for you to be truly still. Take time to remove the noisy distractions and linger in the quiet, but mighty presence of the Lord. God is in the wilderness; we must be quite enough though to hear his voice.

Sarah Sensenig
Interim Minister of College and Young Adults