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Zoom available for Sunday’s Town Hall & Business Meeting at 5:00 pm. Check here Sunday for the link.

Just recently, my husband and I made a trip to Flagstaff, AZ to visit his mother who has been moved into a memory care facility for dementia. When we arrived, she was quick to recognize Robert, which was a blessing. As he visited with his mom, there were moments of clarity then confusion. One thing that was so interesting was during the moments of clarity and confusion there was one thing very consistent and that was her strong faith. 

We went over to the home where Robert grew up and we have now named it (Operation Smithsonian) due to the unbelievable journaling she did and things she documented. In her belongings were funeral instructions with handwritten notes on how to become a Christian that she wants in the program. It was very evident that she prayed fervently for her family every day by name.  

As Robert was telling her goodbye, she got out her journal, as writing notes helps her remember things and asks him, “now how many years have you been married?” and he said, “Debbie and I have been married for 37 years.” She wrote that down. Robert and Debbie married 37 years – NO REGRETS. Robert said, “Mom what does no regrets mean?” She replied, “I prayed for you to find a Christian wife who loved you and that is what God provided.” Then she said, “Now tell me your prayer requests,” and she proceeded to write down Robert’s request, then mine, then Chelsea and Chase. 

I cannot even begin to express the gratitude for a mom and grandmother who has prayed every day for her family. It has been a reminder to me that prayer is so important, and as a parent, I need to take time every day to pray for my children and family. And it’s never too late to start to leave this as a legacy for your family.  

Dr. Debbie Potter,
Minster of Children